19 January 2024 at 06:00:00
Cleaners at The Royal Bank of Canada - 100 Bishopsgate in London face severe health and safety challenges aggravated by recent redundancy letters from outsourced management, behind which RBC masks its responsibility.
London, January 19 – Cleaners at The Royal Bank of Canada - 100 Bishopsgate in London face severe health and safety challenges aggravated by recent redundancy letters from outsourced management, behind which RBC masks its responsibility.
Represented by the Cleaners and Allied Independent Workers Union (CAIWU), the cleaners are distressed over overwork, hazardous working conditions, and inadequate responses to their grievances. Pressing concerns include improper use of cleaning chemicals, malfunctioning equipment, inadequate staffing, and alleged mistreatment by management. These ongoing issues adversely affect the well-being and working conditions of the cleaning staff.
In response, CAIWU has initiated an official dispute, and a ballot for industrial action to open on January 22 is now underway. The union is resolute in ensuring the health, safety, and fair treatment of RBC's cleaners. The gravity of the situation is intensified by recent redundancy letters received by the cleaners, adding job insecurity to their list of worries. CAIWU is advocating for the affected workers and is seeking answers from RBC regarding the timing and business case of the redundancies.
As we step into the new year, it is essential to acknowledge the crucial role cleaners play in workplaces to run smoothly. CAIWU urges RBC to prioritize the welfare of its cleaners, emphasizing the importance of a safe and fair working environment.
Note to editors:
CAIWU is a representative trade union advocating for fair labor practices and workers' rights for cleaners and allied independent workers. For more information, visit www.caiwu.org.uk.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Ana Aguirre
Cleaners and Allied Independent Workers Union
c/o 88 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1DH
Tel: 075 900 98084 / 079 045 52106
Email: communications@caiwu.org.uk