Cleaners outsourcing dispute at the Royal College of Music
Cleaners outsourcing dispute at the Royal College of Music
UEL Hypocrisy Exposed: Practice What You Preach
UEL's recent decision to switch cleaning contractors instead of bringing the cleaning staff in-house has highlighted a troubling inconsistency between its stated commitment to diversity and inclusion and its treatment of its own workers.
Cleaners at the University of East London enter official dispute
Cleaners at the University of East London enter official dispute with their employer Nviro Limited
Cleaners & porters begin their campaign at the Royal Opera House
The cleaners and porters at the Royal Opera House (“ROH”) took to the streets, to mark the beginning of their campaign, for better pay and working conditions.
CAIWU members secure major victory at Facebook
This week CAIWU and its members achieved a significant victory.
Cleaners and porters success at BMA
CAIWU has achieved a significant victory at the British Medical Association (“BMA”) House in London for the cleaners and porters in achieving matched pay and working conditions with BMA workers.
Nike Town cleaners secure pay increases
Cleaners at Nike Town in Oxford Street received fantastic news this week when their employer, SB-FM, confirmed they would be receiving the new London Living Wage rate. At the same time SB-FM confirmed that the cleaners will have their double time pay on bank holidays restored.
London Living Wage Success at the Royal Opera House
Back around Christmas we received disturbing reports that DOC Cleaning Limited had decided to withhold the Living Wage Foundation's recent London Living Wage increase from cleaners at the Royal Opera House.